Mobile Based Services

SDSL - Smart Device(s) for Smart Life - "meeting new people around you by matching your interests in that place at that moment"!
Finalist of the GNSS Living Lab Prize

Smart Device(s) for Smart Life (SDSL) supports/replaces normal social interaction (personal, professional and more) by notifying portable device owners of nearby users, whose profiles are interesting for him.

This solution facilitates human relations in an automatic, asynchronous and time/geo localized way with profile matching support and by the interaction with smart objects (pubs, events meeting points, public spaces) where people can attach their profiles and their requests.

Users who have created profiles on SDSL and have set their matchmaking parameters on the system can:

The solution is based on three characteristics that make SDSL simple and original at the same time (effective for the purposes above described):

This aspect make SDSL extensively adaptable to a wide set of scenarios where matchmaking and people relations is nowadays the Òchallenge playground where competition occursÓ (social life, business and contractors, conferences and consortia foundation for project proposals, careers and job forums etc.)


"In-App purchasing and advertising in enabling a new economy": this new way of social- real-interaction on a wide community can guarantee strong revenues for ad-impressions, annual subscription top accounts and new marketing opportunities.

Trial Description - Request and Scenario


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